• Why did you become a shame-free coach?

    Hi, it’s Britt!

    I've been helping people become more ‘in tune’ with their own bodies through fitness for more than 10 years as both a Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Fitness Coach. Several years ago, I became certified as a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach to help more clients meet their nutrition goals and learn how to have a sustainable, healthier lifestyle! In 2022 I finished a coaching certification in Sleep, Stress and Recovery through Precision Nutrition to continue learning how to better serve my clients.

    As Vanda Scaravelli once said, "Movement is the song of the body", and I truly believe that in order to have an active lifestyle, you have to find what you love!

    Whether it be through walking with a loved one (yes, dogs count!), lifting weights, running, dancing your heart out, or participating in your favorite sport, what matters most is that you enjoy it.

    Over the years, I've realized the importance of fueling your body with nutritious foods, while not shaming ourselves when eating our favorite goodies and I love inspiring others to do the same. I'm a big believer in moderation and taking goals step by step, so when we find the right path for YOU, it's one that sticks. I believe each client is an individual and that the best version of balance is the one that works for YOU!

    I can't wait to help you fall in love with your healthy lifestyle and make it a bigger part of your life!



  • If I work with you, what kind of results can I expect?

    Okay, so let’s just go ahead and address the elephant in the room (our lawyer made us do it!): we can’t guarantee results.

    Trust us, we SO WISH we could wave our magic wand and give you the sustainable, feeling good, energized life of your dreams (and maybe while we’re at it, let’s sprinkle a little bit of fairy dust and give you a personal chef, house cleaner, and whole new wardrobe too)!

    Sadly though, we can’t :(

    But here’s what we CAN do during our time together:

    • Provide you with a roadmap (and a process) to make achieving your goals even easier

    • Help you become more confident and self-sufficient when it comes to reaching your goals for life

    • Give you the knowledge you need in order to rock your nutrition and fitness now and in the future

    • Provide you with the support, tools, and accountability that you need to make all of this stick

    Want to know the really cool part?

    What we accomplish during our work together is UP TO YOU. With us in your back pocket, along with all the knowledge, tools, support, and accountability - just imagine what you could accomplish…what could be possible for you?

  • Who do you work best with?

    We LOVE working with food loving women who are committed, driven, and motivated, and want to be able to enjoy their favorite foods while feeling good, having energy, and taking care of their bodies!

    You are our perfect fit person if…

    • You want to enjoy all the EXPERIENCES life has to offer ....but the one thing that's stopping you is not knowing how to balance that with taking care of your body.

    • You are SICK & TIRED OF SAYING NO to the foods and experiences you love and wonder why you should even bother trying to make changes when you're not seeing the results you want.

    • You are a SELF-MOTIVATED food loving woman who has the drive and discipline to do what it takes in order to reach your goals.

    • You keep getting THROWN OFF TRACK by family and friends who tell you that you should quit trying to reach your goals & just enjoy your life.

    • You're READY TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF, push past your limiting beliefs, and make real changes in your life.

    • You're struggling with the YOLO attitude of our society, because deep down you know that you were MADE FOR MORE than where you are right now.

    • You are willing to put in the work and have an open mind about changing your core beliefs when it comes to INVESTING IN YOURSELF and your health.

  • What kind of client do you NOT work well with?

    We might not be the right fit for you if…

    • You are looking for a QUICK FIX to lose weight.

    • You’re looking for the next diet or exercise plan to try…but aren’t interested in making a REAL LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

    • You aren’t ready to PUT IN THE WORK and commit to making real changes in your life.

    • You DON’T WANT HELP on your journey and believe you can do it all by yourself.

    • You’re not interested in learning and understanding the basics of nutrition and how to create a sustainable lifestyle.

    • You’re not MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, or FINANCIALLY INVESTED in changing your life.

    • You’re not ready to FACE YOUR FEARS and get uncomfortable in order to achieve AMAZING RESULTS.

  • Why do I need you? Can't I just do it on my own?

    Yes, you can do it on your own.


    Wait, did we really just say that on our own website?!

    Yes we did.

    Here at Redefining You, we value honesty, transparency, and focusing on the best interests of our clients (even if it means they do it themselves or go elsewhere).

    The truth is that you don’t NEED a coach to reach your goals.

    …but you might WANT a coach.

    Just like you don’t NEED a mechanic to repair your car, or a tutor to help you (or your child) pass that difficult class, or a hair stylist to cut your hair.

    You COULD do all of these things yourself, if you were willing to invest the time and energy into learning how to do them.

    …but most of us don’t WANT to fix our own cars, learn a difficult subject on our own, or cut our own hair (even though we are totally capable of DIYing it).

    Chances are you’re here because you…

    • Have been trying to do it on your own, unsuccessfully, for too long - and you’re tired, frustrated, and ready to give up

    • Feel confused, overwhelmed, and don’t know where to start

    • Know that you could do it on your own if you really wanted, but you’re a busy woman with other priorities and you don’t want to waste your time with trial and error

    And you WANT a coach who can cut through the BS, help you formulate a plan, guide you through the process, and help you save the time, energy, and heartache of trying to do it yourself.

    So no, you don’t NEED a coach…but you’re here because you WANT the guidance, ease, and support that having someone in your corner can provide. So let’s do the thing, girlfriend!

  • I've never invested in myself before, and it feels scary! How can I justify this expense?

    Trust us, we get it! Investing in yourself can feel really scary (especially if you haven’t done it before!).

    Chew on this for a second - how has it gone for you so far NOT investing in yourself? You’re probably here reading this right now because you’re NOT getting the results you want. To do something you’ve never done, you have to be willing to do something you haven’t done…and maybe for you, that means investing in yourself for the first time.

    Investing in ourselves comes in different forms - time, energy, and money - and we need to invest in ourselves in all three domains in order to see optimal results.

    Only investing money and time, but not energy? Results are going to fall flat.

    Only investing time and energy, but not money? Results might take forever (if we don’t give up first).

    Only investing energy and money? Results won’t happen because we aren’t giving it our time.

    Where we choose to spend our time, energy, and money shows us what our priorities are. Does yours reflect YOU as one of those priorities?

    Another thing to consider: even though you may not have thought about it this way, you probably HAVE invested in yourself before! Do you have a degree or a certification? Did you obtain training to learn certain skills? Have you ever had a gym membership, or bought books to learn? If you said yes to any of the above, congratulations, you HAVE invested in yourself before! See, it’s not so scary (or new) after all!

    Consider this your opportunity to LEVEL UP in this area of your life and take it (and yourself) more seriously. You go girl!