Are you ready to feel good, have fun, and learn how to become self-sufficient when it comes to reaching your health and fitness goals?

Do You Need Direction & A Clear Strategy? ....Let's Chat!

Hi, Britt here - it's so nice to meet you!

I am the co-founder and head coach of Redefining You, where we help women just like you feel better, have more energy, and redefine their relationship with food, fitness, and their bodies so that they can feel good and have fun doing it!

We’re here to help you take inspired action on your goals so that you can feel more confident, have more energy, enjoy your favorite foods guilt-free, and find the fun in fitness…all in a shame-free, mental health-friendly environment.

Starting on your health & fitness journey can be stressful.

The endless sea of crap on the internet can make it feel so overwhelming sometimes that it makes you want to give up on your goals altogether.

  • Eat the carbs…wait, don’t eat the carbs.

  • Weight lifting is best for weight loss…wait, weight lifting might make me bulk up?

  • I’m supposed to want to change my body…wait, I’m also supposed to love my body?

Sound familiar?

We get it!

Let's face DON'T need more information, the next fad diet, or that new cleanse your best friend has been begging you to do with her. You need something sustainable, direction on where to focus, and a solid strategy to get you from where you are to where you want to be that works with your life, not against it.

A structured plan that you can follow effortlessly day in and day out so that you can finally have the energy to tackle life like the total superwoman you are…while also feeling confident rocking that new pair of jeans at that next girl’s night out!

We created these Redefining You Strategy Sessions to help you get clarity and create a real action plan to make BIG CHANGE happen in your life.

It's specifically for female foodies who are ready to live the life they were meant to live...all while feeling good inside [and] out.

If you want to grab one of these complimentary sessions, please fill out the form below.

We can't wait to chat with you 1:1 and to help you create your dream lifestyle!

Apply for a totally complimentary, 30-minute Redefining You Strategy Session where we’ll…

  • Dream about your goals.

    What do you wish could be possible for you?

    What are those deep dreams and desires you’ve been too scared to say out loud?

    We’ll claim them for you…together.

  • Overcome the obstacles.

    What’s stopping you from getting what you want?

    What’s making your dreams feel out of reach to you right now?

    We’ll figure out what’s holding you back…together.

  • Make a plan.

    Don’t know where to start?

    Are you lacking a game-plan to get you there?

    We’ll see if working together could be that missing piece…together.